Month: October 2010

character that counts

Rod Handley, director of the ministry Character That Counts, has devoted his life’s work to helping people grow in character. He encourages people to, as Merriam-Webster’s puts it, exude “moral excellence and firmness.”

In his book Team Studies on Character, Handley lists traits embedded in the essence of 1 Timothy 4:16, which exhorts us to “Keep a close watch on how you…

October 18, 2010

What promise from Jesus, recorded in God's Word, most encourages you today?

surprising life

Last August in Asuncion, Paraguay, Jose Alvarenga received the worst news a father can hear about a newborn child. The doctors came and told him his son, born prematurely (only 500g/17.6 oz), was dead. A little over 4 hours after the heartbreaking event, Jose opened the box that held his tiny son’s casket so that he could say his goodbyes—and…


Michael Forbes has lived on the Aberdeenshire dunes in Scotland for 41 years. His rustic buildings never bothered his neighbors, but they’re an eyesore to Donald Trump, who is building a luxury hotel and golf course nearby. Trump offered Forbes free golf and above market value for his 23 acres, but Forbes replied that he wouldn’t leave for any amount…


Have you ever received a textcouragement message? You know, a little scrap of encouragement sent via a text message? My friend Myrna sent me this one: “Read Philippians 3:1-11 today if you have time. It blessed me.” My friend Nicole beamed me: “How is the baby’s cough? I’ve been praying for you.”

As Christians, we need to lift up fellow…

trials and temptations

Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tested by the devil (Matthew 4:1-11). Each test was a temptation or enticement to sin. It’s not a sin to be tempted. But there exists in every trial a potential for us to disobey God. Job, severely tested by Satan (Job 1–2), didn’t sin against God (2:10). Mrs.…

inconvenient compassion

Unlike us sometimes, Jesus didn’t allow circumstances to dictate whether or not He chose to act compassionately. We need to take that to heart, for unchurched people are looking for reasons to attend a church and associate with believers in Christ. Nearly 60 percent of non-church-attenders say they would be more likely to step inside if they felt the church…

it feels so right

In 1977, singer Debbie Boone recorded “You Light Up My Life.” The song quickly shot to the top of the charts and became one of the biggest hits in the 1970s. While the song was originally written as a romantic love song, Boone claimed to sing it to God.

One of the most familiar lines in the song says, “It…


Still half asleep, I gradually found my way to the bathroom to begin my morning routine. Grabbing my toothbrush, I coated it with toothpaste and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Because I don’t normally sit and brush my teeth, my position afforded me a new perspective of the bathroom sink. Previously hidden from view by the faucet’s…

October 11, 2010

As scientists continue to search the universe for other planets that possess the right resources and conditions to sustain life, what gives you confidence that God is the creator and sustainer of life on earth?

love your enemies

I may not love God as I should, but I’m determined to get a handle on it. I may not love my family the way I should, but I intend to work at it. I may not love my neighbor as I should—but I’ll keep trying. But love my enemy? Wow. That seems impossible!

Here’s why it’s so difficult. Enemies scheme,…

living counter-naturally

My family was eating at a mall food court. My middle son couldn’t finish all of his food, so he got up to find a take-home box. After being gone for quite a while, he finally returned. When we asked him why it had taken him so long, he told us that customers kept jumping in front of him and…

hooks to hang your hopes on

Pastor Tim Keller says that, in life, “Fifty percent of the reason we get so discouraged and despondent is we’re shocked when something bad happens. We say, ‘This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.’ ” In other words, we tend to believe that since we’ve placed our faith in Jesus, and because we’ve tried to be “good” Christians, a comfortable…

radical change

In a world where we so easily create virtual identities, we’re often tempted to paint ourselves in the best (exaggerated) light and to make ourselves appear as though we’re more accomplished or popular than we actually are. And if we want to start over from scratch, we can do so with just a few keystrokes. For instance, (with a…

the joy of sex

The women’s fashion and lifestyle magazine in my mechanic’s office flaunted numerous articles about sex. One story, meant to be especially titillating, recounted the exploits of men who made love to multiple partners at once. The article left me sad. These hollow thrill seekers are not just looking for love in all the wrong places, they’re looking for love in…

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